Unlocking the Power of Clean Architecture: A Deep Dive into Related Entity Creation Use Case
Image by Maryetta - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Clean Architecture: A Deep Dive into Related Entity Creation Use Case

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As software architects, we strive to create systems that are scalable, maintainable, and easy to understand. One architectural pattern that has gained popularity in recent years is Clean Architecture. In this article, we’ll explore the related entity creation use case in Clean Architecture, providing a comprehensive guide on how to implement it in your projects.

What is Clean Architecture?

Clean Architecture is a software architectural pattern that separates the application’s business logic from its infrastructure and presentation layers. It’s based on the idea that the business logic should be independent of the framework, database, and user interface. This decoupling enables developers to create more modular, flexible, and sustainable systems.

The Clean Architecture Layers

A Clean Architecture system consists of four main layers:

  • Entities**: These represent the business domain and are responsible for encapsulating the data and behavior.
  • Use Cases**: These define the actions that can be performed on the entities and are responsible for orchestrating the flow of the application.
  • Interface Adapters**: These provide the interface between the application and the external world, such as the database, file system, or network.
  • Framework and Drivers**: These include the frameworks, libraries, and tools used to build the application.

In Clean Architecture, entities are the heart of the system, and creating related entities is a common use case. Related entities are entities that have a logical connection with each other, such as a customer and their orders, or a product and its reviews.

Problem Statement

Let’s consider a simple e-commerce application where we need to create a customer entity and associate it with multiple orders. The traditional approach would be to create a Customer class with an Orders property, which would contain a list of Order objects. However, this approach has several limitations:

  • It tightly couples the Customer entity to the Orders entity, making it difficult to change either entity without affecting the other.
  • It mixes the business logic of the Customer entity with the infrastructure concerns of storing and retrieving orders.

To overcome these limitations, we can create a use case that specifically handles the creation of related entities. Let’s call this use case CreateCustomerWithOrdersUseCase.

public class CreateCustomerWithOrdersUseCase
    private readonly IEntityRepository<Customer> _customerRepository;
    private readonly IEntityRepository<Order> _orderRepository;

    public CreateCustomerWithOrdersUseCase(IEntityRepository<Customer> customerRepository, IEntityRepository<Order> orderRepository)
        _customerRepository = customerRepository;
        _orderRepository = orderRepository;

    public async Task<Customer> CreateCustomerWithOrdersAsync(CreateCustomerWithOrdersRequest request)
        var customer = new Customer(request.Name, request.Email);
        var orders = new List<Order>();

        foreach (var orderRequest in request.Orders)
            var order = new Order(orderRequest.ProductId, orderRequest.Quantity);

        customer.Orders = orders;

        await _customerRepository.AddAsync(customer);
        await _orderRepository.AddRangeAsync(orders);

        return customer;

In this example, we’ve created a use case that takes a CreateCustomerWithOrdersRequest object as input, which contains the customer’s details and a list of orders. The use case creates a new customer entity and associates it with the list of orders, ensuring that the business logic is kept separate from the infrastructure concerns.

Benefits of Using a Use Case

By using a use case to create related entities, we’ve achieved several benefits:

  • Decoupling**: We’ve decoupled the Customer entity from the Orders entity, making it easier to change either entity without affecting the other.
  • Single Responsibility Principle**: The use case has a single responsibility, which is to create a customer with orders, making it easier to maintain and extend.
  • Testability**: We can easily test the use case in isolation, without having to worry about the infrastructure concerns.


To implement the CreateCustomerWithOrdersUseCase, we’ll need to create the following entities and repositories:


public class Customer
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public ICollection<Order> Orders { get; set; }

public class Order
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }
    public int ProductId { get; set; }
    public int Quantity { get; set; }


public interface IEntityRepository<T> where T : class
    Task<T> AddAsync(T entity);
    Task<IEnumerable<T>> AddRangeAsync(IEnumerable<T> entities);

public class CustomerRepository : IEntityRepository<Customer>
    private readonly DbContext _context;

    public CustomerRepository(DbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public async Task<Customer> AddAsync(Customer customer)
        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
        return customer;

    public async Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> AddRangeAsync(IEnumerable<Customer> customers)
        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
        return customers;

public class OrderRepository : IEntityRepository<Order>
    private readonly DbContext _context;

    public OrderRepository(DbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public async Task<Order> AddAsync(Order order)
        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
        return order;

    public async Task<IEnumerable<Order>> AddRangeAsync(IEnumerable<Order> orders)
        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
        return orders;


In this article, we’ve explored the related entity creation use case in Clean Architecture, providing a comprehensive guide on how to implement it in your projects. By using a use case to create related entities, we’ve achieved decoupling, single responsibility principle, and testability. Remember to keep your use cases simple, focused, and easy to understand, and always prioritize the business logic over infrastructure concerns.

Use Case Description
CreateCustomerWithOrdersUseCase Creates a customer entity and associates it with multiple orders

Best Practices

  • Keep use cases simple and focused: Avoid complex use cases that perform multiple actions.
  • Decouple entities from infrastructure concerns: Use repositories and interface adapters to decouple entities from the infrastructure.
  • Test use cases in isolation: Write unit tests for use cases to ensure they’re working correctly.

By following these best practices and using a use case to create related entities, you’ll be able to create more maintainable, scalable, and sustainable systems that meet the requirements of your business domain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on related entity creation use case in clean architecture!

What is the primary purpose of the related entity creation use case in clean architecture?

The primary purpose of the related entity creation use case in clean architecture is to create a new entity that is related to an existing entity, while ensuring the integrity and consistency of the data.

How does the related entity creation use case in clean architecture handle complex relationships between entities?

The related entity creation use case in clean architecture handles complex relationships between entities by using a domain-driven design approach, which focuses on the business logic and rules of the domain, and by using repositories and interfaces to decouple the dependencies between entities.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when implementing the related entity creation use case in clean architecture?

Some common pitfalls to avoid when implementing the related entity creation use case in clean architecture include over-engineering the solution, tight coupling between entities, and not properly handling errors and exceptions.

How does the related entity creation use case in clean architecture impact the overall system’s scalability and performance?

The related entity creation use case in clean architecture can positively impact the overall system’s scalability and performance by allowing for a modular and decoupled design, which enables easier maintenance, updates, and scaling of the system.

What are some best practices for testing the related entity creation use case in clean architecture?

Some best practices for testing the related entity creation use case in clean architecture include using unit tests to validate the business logic, integration tests to verify the interaction between entities, and using mock repositories and interfaces to isolate the dependencies.