Make Those Tags Break Down Like a Button in WordPress using Elementor!
Image by Maryetta -

Make Those Tags Break Down Like a Button in WordPress using Elementor!

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Ever wondered how to make those pesky tags in WordPress break down like a button, just like you see on popular websites and blogs? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this cool effect using Elementor, one of the most popular page builders for WordPress.

What’s the Big Deal About Tags Breaking Down Like a Button?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s talk about why making tags break down like a button is such a big deal. For starters, it adds a touch of elegance to your website’s design, making it more visually appealing to your visitors. Moreover, it helps create a sense of organization and tidiness, especially when you have a large number of tags.

So, What’s the Magic Formula?

The magic formula lies in using a combination of Elementor’s built-in features and some clever CSS tricks. Don’t worry if you’re not a coding expert; we’ll break it down into simple, easy-to-follow steps.

Step 1: Create a Tag Cloud Widget in Elementor

First things first, you need to create a tag cloud widget in Elementor. To do this:

  1. Open your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the page or post where you want to display the tag cloud.
  2. Click on the “Edit with Elementor” button.
  3. In the Elementor editor, click on the “Add Widget” button.
  4. Search for the “Tag Cloud” widget and drag-and-drop it onto your page.

That’s it! You should now see a basic tag cloud widget on your page.

Step 2: Customize the Tag Cloud Widget

Next, you need to customize the tag cloud widget to make it look like a button. To do this:

  1. Click on the tag cloud widget to open its settings.
  2. Under the “Layout” tab, set the “Layout” to “Inline” and the “Alignment” to “Center”.
  3. Under the “Style” tab, set the “Background Color” to a color of your choice (e.g., #f7f7f7).
  4. Set the “Border Radius” to 10px to give it a rounded corner effect.
  5. Set the “Padding” to 10px to add some space between the tags.

This will give your tag cloud widget a basic button-like appearance.

Step 3: Add CSS Magic to Make it Break Down Like a Button

Now it’s time to add some CSS magic to make the tags break down like a button. To do this:

  1. In the Elementor editor, click on the tag cloud widget to open its settings.
  2. Under the “Advanced” tab, click on the “Add Custom CSS” button.
  3. In the “Custom CSS” field, add the following code:
.elementor-tag-cloud {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  justify-content: center;

.elementor-tag-cloud a {
  background-color: #f7f7f7;
  border-radius: 10px;
  padding: 5px 10px;
  margin: 0 5px 10px 0;
  display: inline-block;

.elementor-tag-cloud a:hover {
  background-color: #e7e7e7;

This code tells Elementor to display the tags in a flexible layout that wraps to the next line, with each tag having a button-like appearance.

Step 4: Style the Tags to Perfection

Finally, you can style the tags to perfection by adding some additional CSS code. For example, you can add the following code to change the tag text color and font size:

.elementor-tag-cloud a {
  color: #333;
  font-size: 14px;

You can also add more styles to customize the appearance of your tags.

The Final Result

And that’s it! You should now see a beautiful tag cloud widget that breaks down like a button, with each tag looking like a separate button. Here’s an example of what it might look like:

Tag 1 Tag 2 Tag 3
Tag 4 Tag 5 Tag 6

Voila! You’ve successfully made your tags break down like a button in WordPress using Elementor.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to make your tags break down like a button in WordPress using Elementor. By following these simple steps, you can add a touch of elegance to your website’s design and make it more visually appealing to your visitors. So, go ahead and give it a try!

Got any questions or need further assistance? Leave a comment below and we’ll be happy to help.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of Elementor and WordPress!

Can I use a plugin to make tags break down like a button in WordPress?

Yes, you can! There are several plugins available that can help you achieve this. One popular option is the “TagsCloud” plugin, which allows you to customize the appearance of your tags, including making them look like buttons. Simply install and activate the plugin, then configure the settings to your liking.

How do I customize the button style using Elementor?

Elementor makes it easy to customize the button style! Simply add a “Tags” widget to your page, then click on the “Style” tab. From there, you can adjust the button’s appearance, including the background color, text color, border radius, and more. You can also use Elementor’s advanced styling options to add custom CSS code and take your design to the next level.

Can I add animations to my tags using Elementor?

Absolutely! Elementor’s animation features allow you to add visual interest to your tags. Simply add a “Tags” widget to your page, then click on the “Advanced” tab. From there, you can select from a range of animation options, including hover effects, entrance animations, and more. This will help draw attention to your tags and make them more engaging for your visitors.

How do I make my tags responsive using Elementor?

Elementor’s responsive design features make it easy to ensure your tags look great on all devices. Simply add a “Tags” widget to your page, then click on the “Responsive” tab. From there, you can adjust the layout, padding, and margin of your tags for different screen sizes. This will ensure that your tags look perfect on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Can I use custom code to further customize my tags in Elementor?

Yes, you can! Elementor provides a range of hooks and filters that allow you to add custom code and further customize your tags. You can use this code to add custom CSS styles, modify the tag layout, or even create custom interactions. If you’re comfortable with coding, this provides endless possibilities for customization.

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