Svelte Head Components NOT Rendered from Svelte-Kit Server: The Ultimate Guide
Image by Maryetta -

Svelte Head Components NOT Rendered from Svelte-Kit Server: The Ultimate Guide

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Are you frustrated with your Svelte head components not being rendered from your Svelte-Kit server? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of Svelte head components and explore the reasons behind this common problem. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle this issue head-on (pun intended) and get your head components rendering like a pro!

What are Svelte Head Components?

Svelte head components are a crucial part of building SEO-friendly and accessible web applications. They allow you to manage the HTML head of your application, which is essential for search engines, screen readers, and other crawlers to understand the structure and content of your website. In Svelte, you can create head components as functions that return an array of elements, which are then injected into the HTML head of your application.

import { head } from 'svelte/motion';

export function SEOHead() {
  return [
    { title: 'My App' },
    { meta: { charset: 'UTF-8' } },
    { meta: { name: 'description', content: 'My app description' } },
    { link: { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/png', href: 'favicon.png' } },

Why Aren’t My Svelte Head Components Being Rendered?

So, you’ve created your Svelte head component, but it’s not being rendered from your Svelte-Kit server. There are a few common reasons for this issue:

  • Lack of Server-Side Rendering (SSR): By default, Svelte-Kit doesn’t enable SSR for head components. You need to explicitly enable it in your `svelte.config.js` file.
  • Incorrect Head Component Syntax: Make sure your head component function returns an array of elements, and each element is an object with a `tag` property.
  • Missing <head> Tag in app.html: Ensure that your `app.html` file includes a `` tag, as Svelte-Kit will inject your head components into this tag.
  • Conflicting Plugins or Middleware: Some plugins or middleware might interfere with the rendering of your head components. Try disabling them to see if the issue resolves.

Enabling Server-Side Rendering (SSR) for Head Components

To enable SSR for head components, you need to add the following code to your `svelte.config.js` file:

import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit';

export default {
  // ... other configurations ...
  kit: {
    ssr: true,
    target: '#svelte',
    // Enable SSR for head components
    ssr Head: ({ head }) => {
      return [
          tag: 'title',
          children: head.title,
          tag: 'meta',
          attributes: {
            charset: 'UTF-8',

In this example, we’re enabling SSR for head components by specifying a `ssrHead` function that returns an array of elements. This function will be called on the server-side, and the resulting elements will be injected into the HTML head of your application.

Creating a Head Component with Correct Syntax

A head component function should return an array of elements, where each element is an object with a `tag` property. Here’s an example:

import { head } from 'svelte/motion';

export function SEOHead() {
  return [
      tag: 'title',
      children: 'My App',
      tag: 'meta',
      attributes: {
        charset: 'UTF-8',
      tag: 'meta',
      attributes: {
        name: 'description',
        content: 'My app description',
      tag: 'link',
      attributes: {
        rel: 'icon',
        type: 'image/png',
        href: 'favicon.png',

In this example, the `SEOHead` function returns an array of four elements: a `title` element, two `meta` elements, and a `link` element.

Adding the <head> Tag to app.html

Make sure your `app.html` file includes a `` tag, as Svelte-Kit will inject your head components into this tag. Here’s an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <div id="svelte"></div>
    <script defer src="main.js"></script>

In this example, we’ve added an empty `` tag to the `app.html` file.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’re still experiencing issues with your Svelte head components not being rendered, try the following:

  1. Check the Svelte-Kit server logs: Look for any error messages or warnings related to head component rendering.
  2. Verify that your head component is being called: Add a `console.log` statement to your head component function to ensure it’s being called.
  3. Check the HTML source code: Inspect the HTML source code of your application to see if the head components are being injected correctly.
  4. Disable caching: Try disabling caching in your browser or Svelte-Kit server to see if it resolves the issue.


In this article, we’ve covered the common reasons why Svelte head components might not be rendered from a Svelte-Kit server. By enabling SSR, using correct head component syntax, adding the `` tag to `app.html`, and troubleshooting common issues, you should be able to resolve this problem and get your head components rendering correctly.

Reason Solution
Lack of SSR Enable SSR in svelte.config.js
Incorrect head component syntax Use correct syntax, returning an array of elements with a tag property
Missing <head> tag in app.html Add an empty <head> tag to app.html
Conflicting plugins or middleware Disable conflicting plugins or middleware

By following these steps and solutions, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue of Svelte head components not being rendered from your Svelte-Kit server. Happy coding!

Here is the FAQ section about “Svelte head components NOT rendered from Svelte-Kit server”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about Svelte head components not rendering from Svelte-Kit server!

Why are my Svelte head components not rendering when I run my SvelteKit app on the server?

This is because SvelteKit’s server-side rendering (SSR) doesn’t render head components by default. To fix this, you need to use the `import { ssr } from ‘@sveltejs/kit’;` and add `ssr(false)` to your `head.svelte` component.

What is the difference between server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR) in SvelteKit?

SSR generates the initial HTML on the server, while CSR generates the HTML on the client’s browser. In SvelteKit, SSR is used by default, which might cause issues with head components rendering. CSR, on the other hand, can render head components without any issues.

Can I use a library like Helmet to manage my head components in SvelteKit?

Yes, you can use Helmet with SvelteKit to manage your head components. Helmet provides a way to manage your head tags on the server-side, which can be beneficial when using SSR. However, you might still need to use `ssr(false)` to render your head components on the client-side.

How do I conditionally render head components based on the environment in SvelteKit?

You can use the `$app/env` store in SvelteKit to conditionally render head components based on the environment. For example, you can use `{#if !$app/env.server}` to render head components only on the client-side.

Are there any alternative solutions to using `ssr(false)` to render head components in SvelteKit?

Yes, you can use the ` preload` function in SvelteKit to pre-render your head components on the server-side. This approach can provide better SEO and performance benefits compared to using `ssr(false)`. However, it requires more configuration and setup.

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