Ag-Grid valueFormatter in defaultColDefs – The Ultimate Guide to Making it Work
Image by Maryetta -

Ag-Grid valueFormatter in defaultColDefs – The Ultimate Guide to Making it Work

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Are you tired of struggling to get the Ag-Grid valueFormatter to work in your defaultColDefs? Do you find yourself searching for answers online, only to come up empty-handed? Well, worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of Ag-Grid and explore the ins and outs of using valueFormatter in defaultColDefs.

What is Ag-Grid?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and talk about what Ag-Grid is. Ag-Grid is a powerful and feature-rich JavaScript data grid that allows you to display and edit large datasets with ease. With its extensive range of features, including filtering, sorting, grouping, and more, Ag-Grid is the go-to choice for many developers.

What is valueFormatter?

In Ag-Grid, the valueFormatter is a function that allows you to format the values displayed in the grid. Whether you need to display dates in a specific format, convert numbers to currency, or simply format text, the valueFormatter is the way to go. But, when it comes to using it in defaultColDefs, things can get a bit tricky.

The Problem: valueFormatter in defaultColDefs Doesn’t Work

So, you’ve tried using the valueFormatter in your defaultColDefs, but it simply refuses to work. You’ve followed the documentation, scoured the internet for answers, and even tried bribing your code with coffee and biscuits, but nothing seems to work. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this issue, and it’s time to get to the bottom of it.

Why Doesn’t it Work?

The reason why valueFormatter in defaultColDefs doesn’t work is due to the way Ag-Grid handles its column definitions. When you define a column in defaultColDefs, Ag-Grid creates a new column instance for each column. The problem is, the valueFormatter function is not called on each column instance, but rather on the original column definition. This means that any formatting you try to apply using valueFormatter will be lost when the column is rendered.

The Solution: Using a Custom Formatter Function

So, how do we get around this limitation? The answer lies in creating a custom formatter function that can be applied to each column instance. This function will take the column value as an input and return the formatted value. Here’s an example of how you can create a custom formatter function:

const customFormatter = (params) => {
  return params.value.toLocaleString('en-US', {
    style: 'currency',
    currency: 'USD',

In this example, the customFormatter function takes a params object as an input, which contains the column value. The function then uses the toLocaleString method to format the value as a US dollar currency.

Applying the Custom Formatter Function to defaultColDefs

Now that we have our custom formatter function, let’s apply it to our defaultColDefs. Here’s an example of how you can do this:

const defaultColDefs = [
    field: 'price',
    width: 100,
    cellRenderer: (params) => {
      return customFormatter(params);

In this example, we’re creating a new column definition for the ‘price’ field. We’re setting the width to 100 pixels and using the cellRenderer property to apply our custom formatter function. The cellRenderer function takes the params object as an input and returns the formatted value using our customFormatter function.

Alternatives to Using valueFormatter in defaultColDefs

While using a custom formatter function is a great way to get around the limitations of valueFormatter in defaultColDefs, there are alternative approaches you can take. Here are a few options:

  • Use a custom cellRenderer: Instead of using valueFormatter, you can create a custom cellRenderer function that takes the column value as an input and returns the formatted value.

  • Use a custom columnType: Ag-Grid allows you to create custom column types that can include their own formatting functions. This can be a useful approach if you need to apply complex formatting to your column values.

  • Use a data transformer: If you need to apply formatting to your data before it’s rendered in the grid, you can use a data transformer function. This function can take the data as an input and return the formatted data.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When using valueFormatter in defaultColDefs, there are a few common pitfalls to avoid:

  1. Not using a custom formatter function: If you don’t use a custom formatter function, your valueFormatter function won’t be called on each column instance.

  2. Not applying the formatter function to each column instance: Make sure you apply the formatter function to each column instance using the cellRenderer property.

  3. Not checking for null or undefined values: Always check for null or undefined values in your formatter function to avoid errors.


In conclusion, using valueFormatter in defaultColDefs can be a bit tricky, but with the right approach, you can get it to work seamlessly. By creating a custom formatter function and applying it to each column instance, you can achieve the desired formatting for your Ag-Grid columns. Remember to avoid common pitfalls and take advantage of alternative approaches to make your life easier. Happy coding!

Field Width Formatter Function
Price 100px customFormatter
Date 120px dateFormat
Text 150px textFormatter

This table illustrates an example of how you can apply different formatter functions to different columns in your Ag-Grid. The customFormatter function is used to format the ‘Price’ column, while the dateFormat function is used to format the ‘Date’ column. The textFormatter function is used to format the ‘Text’ column.

Additional Resources

For more information on Ag-Grid and its features, be sure to check out the following resources:

With these resources and the knowledge gained from this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an Ag-Grid master!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with Ag-Grid valueFormatter in defaultColDefs? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Q1: Why is my valueFormatter function not being called in defaultColDefs?

Make sure your valueFormatter function is defined correctly and is not returning undefined. Also, check if the function is being overridden by another formatter or a column def in your grid.

Q2: Can I use valueFormatter in defaultColDefs with other formatters like valueParser and valueSetter?

Yes, you can use valueFormatter in defaultColDefs along with other formatters like valueParser and valueSetter. However, the order of execution matters. valueParser is executed first, followed by valueFormatter, and then valueSetter.

Q3: Is it possible to access other columns or row data in the valueFormatter function in defaultColDefs?

Yes, you can access other columns or row data in the valueFormatter function in defaultColDefs by using the params object passed to the function. The params object contains the row data, column, and other useful information.

Q4: Why is my valueFormatter function being called multiple times for the same cell in defaultColDefs?

This might happen if your valueFormatter function is returning a different value each time it’s called. Make sure your function is idempotent, meaning it returns the same value given the same input.

Q5: Can I use valueFormatter in defaultColDefs to format numbers with a specific locale?

Yes, you can use valueFormatter in defaultColDefs to format numbers with a specific locale by using the Internationalization API (Intl) or a library like Numeral.js. Just make sure to handle the locale correctly in your formatter function.